Worcestershire Arts Partnership Blog

Friday, 25 April 2014


Hi again,
Just a friendly reminder that Kaf is raising money for: "Kidderminster Arts Festival"

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Kaf says...

Kidderminster Arts Festival has been running for 10 years, I've been privileged to be leading it for 8 of those. I've watched KAF grow from a tiny event that attracted 2,000 over two weeks to one that last year touched the lives of over 27,000 people.
The festival runs for two weeks in the middle of August each year. It gets a small amount of funding from the District Council, usually around £5,000 and I spend a great deal of time trying to raise money from what ever source I can.
KAF brings a huge amount of pleasure to local people, creates opportunities to show their talents, make new friends and attracts visitors to the town helping it through the down times. KAF has a very local focus, it gives people an opportunity to be proud of what they do and where they live, I have seen their involvement lead to genuinely life changing experiences, building confidence and opening doors to new opportunities.
We run a range of community workshops allowing participants to gain new skills and have a chance to be inolved in performing as with our street band in Birchen Coppice or our knitting workshops in care homes allowing older people to decorate the town by knitting bollard covers. Theres too much to talk about here, but you can find out more by visiting our website which is currently in development. www.kidderminsterartsfestival.org.uk This funding will help us pay expenses to volunteers, provide more workshops in areas of need, buy instruments for our local groups and more, non of it will replace funding already in place. If you have experienced the arts and appreciate the positive changes it can make and you can afford to help us out then please do, your contribution will be grately appreciated.
Thanks for taking an interest in KAF, best wishes Loz Samuels Continue Reading >>



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