Worcestershire Arts Partnership Blog

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Give every child a chance - sign the petition

I'm one of more than 20,000 people who have already signed the 'Give every child a chance - don't rush to the English Baccalaureate' petition.  This petition asks the Government to extend the consultation period on the EBacc in both time and content, to ensure that all concerns are properly addressed. It says that the extended consultation should fully engage with the views of parents, students, governors, businesses, teachers, head teachers and other concerned stakeholders before any changes are made.  You can sign up now at http://www.ebaccpetition.org.uk/petition.php  Please also • Share the petition link http://www.ebaccpetition.org.uk/petition.php with friends, family and work colleagues, asking them to sign it and then pass it on. • Send a statement of support to info@ebaccpetitionorg.uk, telling us whether you are, for example, a parent, a teacher, an academic or representing an organisation.  Remember – your action will make a difference.

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